Saturday, July 17, 2004

Wow I had a sleepover with my mom and sister last night and it was really fun and then we got up and had cake for breakfast. I'm in the suburbs of Milwaukee with them for a wedding shower for a girl named Joy (after my mom). I got her some expensive salad tongs. I hope she likes them. It smells like roast beef in here; I gotta go. I miss you all so very much.

Friday, July 16, 2004

I'm here. Seeing as you've all decided to use this blog again in my absence, I've created another to track your messages to me better.
There you should be able to post comments. Please send me emails as well. d at westwash dot org  

Jennay-nay, you make jewdiasm look so damn sexy.
Jenny G, sorry to hear you got sick. I wouldn't have guessed it at all actually. I for one am not moving so let's hang out more like you suggested Tuesday  night. Do you remember saying that?
Soup, thanks for hosting maggie gyl night. You closed the moustache discussion before I could place my vote which is that Soup has a great upper lip which deserves to be seen. However, it really doesn't matter as long as you wear Mollie's shark tooth at all times.
Nate, Nate, Nate

linds:  i'm confused. well, i wasn't at all, but now i am. seething, uh whaaaa? drop me an email or a phone call tomorrow if you please.

Thursday, July 15, 2004

I laughed outloud when I started reading and then again at this..
"I think that you should be Caromine instead of Caroline"
Sorry if I sounded like I was blowing up or something, I've kinda been on edge.
Come to my house tonight.

Shari, to be honest I could really give a shit what anyone thinks.  I thought it was funny that people had been talking about it.  Really the whole vote was to keep the moustache a discussion topic to satisfy my own vanity.  In the end I'll do whatever I want for whatever reason I want.  True, I doubt the moustache is a big enough reason to keep most girls from dating me, there are plenty better reasons than that.  Lets just end this conversation cause its just an attempt to inflate my shattered ego.

Berkeley would kick ass, I would most definately visit you there.
Secretary: The rumor is true, everyone should come to my place around 10 to watch it.  Maybe we could make popcorn or something.

Soup - I vote yes on Moustache Bill 715. A vote yes on this bill will provide the world with proof that yes, Soup can grow a moustache, and that yes, Soup is comfortable with his moustache, and most importantly, Soup's moustache looks good. Also, a well-timed moustache shaving post-Chicago arrival will certainly turn the ladies heads with your youthful good looks. Bear in mind, the moustache will mostly likely reappear in October, so you might as well go into the month with a blazingly mature moustache than start from scratch. I am now calling on my constituents to support me in my affirmative to Moustache Bill 715.

I also heard that Secretary is being watched this evening. Let' some Maggie Gylhahlleynel.

I just received this:

"Both are cute even though moustaches are weird. That makes me think yes moustache because not
everyone could pull it off. It's unique on a guy your age and type. Yet, it's still a little weird. I abstain from voting."

several no's and a non-vote

Just remember her point, its unique. Thats why I grow it in the first place, to stand out. I'm an average height, averagely attractive, reasonably reserved fellow. In other words unremarkable, unnoticable. I need something so people say, "Hey the moustache guy, I've always wondered about him." Not that I'm defending my choice, I just need something to stress out about instead of jobs for a little while. It'll probably get shaved soon, since in truth I'm not really feeling it this time around either.

Wednesday, July 14, 2004

So... I was scaling the wall near work to get to Walgreens today and it occured to me I haven't been rock climbing in a while. Who wants to go to devils lake early in August?

Has Gina even seen my moustache?!
I will only consider shaving my moustache after my haircut on Saturday. My stylist likes my moustache.

Thanks Jennay. I'll be honest I needed to hear that last night and it meant alot then and means alot now.
Actually, I think Lindsay was talking about my hair hair. Or maybe she said something else entirely and I was just focused on my hair. But this brings up the moustache point. I have become aware that some people do not like the m(o)ustache. Lets take a vote here, will the m(o)ustache help or hinder in "getting chicks." Keep in mind just because it turns more girls away isn't a bad thing if it attracts more girls willing to do dirty things to me.

KC was a blast last night people. I suggest we dance more often especially when we get to Chiblogo.
Lindsay made my evening last night when the first thing she said to me was, "Your hair looks great!" This meant alot since I put extra effort into it before leaving the house and was touching it up on the walk there.
Virginia then capped it all off when she turned to me out of the blue and said, "Nick, have I mentioned that I love you lately?"

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Jennifriend: Do you still want to run the Chicago marathon? I think I might be able to do the half.

What about same timish Thursday?

Monday, July 12, 2004

Soup let's do it Wednesday night, but I don't get home from work until 10:15-is that ok?

Also, who wants to see Broken Wings with me at Hilldale? I can't go until next week so you have time to think it over, rover.

Lindsay and Caroline: When do you want to watch Secretary?

Everyone: Lindsay, Caroline and I rented Secretary. We will be watching it sometime this week. Come watch it if you want. I'll make phone calls when we figure it out.

Sunday, July 11, 2004

Madison is now short a D. We might as well call it Maison. I bought a $60 sweater to make myself feel better today. How is everyone else doing? Carla?