Monday, May 24, 2004

D and I are going to the zoo on Tuesday before dinner. Would you like to come?

D and I also stopped by Genna's for a drink last night. It was very pleasant and I was able to drop off an art prject and official meet one of the bartenders over there. Then, we ran into Jeff from the Hat Party and D went home. The Hat Party, a member of Colony Of Watts, and a Brain Made of Things Made of Gold went to the Crystal Corner to play pool. I sat the first two games out because I am no good at pool. Third game I played, and proceeded to suck it up, but the other team scratched on the eight ball, so you know how we do. Then I bought some potatoe chips. After that, I ate the potatoe chips and got driven home. I slept soundly, until I started coughing and woke myself up at 6:30 this morning and decided to watch 'Mr. Show" until I had to go to work. Work is for losers today.

The End.

What are people's opinions of the dewey decimal system versus the library of congress method to organizing library books? I have an opinion, but I am interested in what other people think are the disadvantages and advantages of the two systems.