Thursday, March 03, 2005

tHeOnEaNdOnLyRN: wicket was the brother dude
oxygendrug: wicket was the ewok
tHeOnEaNdOnLyRN: i know
tHeOnEaNdOnLyRN: anyway his name was wicket w. warrick
tHeOnEaNdOnLyRN: the brother was noa
tHeOnEaNdOnLyRN: remember mace?!
tHeOnEaNdOnLyRN: no, he was the fucking morpheus of the exoks time
oxygendrug: Noah was the old Quaker Oats man with the super fast guy
tHeOnEaNdOnLyRN: awwww shiiiiiiit
oxygendrug: what?
tHeOnEaNdOnLyRN: the little oess!
tHeOnEaNdOnLyRN: you are right
tHeOnEaNdOnLyRN: the fast ass
tHeOnEaNdOnLyRN: tessa's face looks like that fast guy
oxygendrug: I always said Tessa looked like an Ewok. Especially from behind.
oxygendrug: NO SHE DOESN'T
oxygendrug: The fucker had buck teeth.
tHeOnEaNdOnLyRN: are you looking at our conversation
oxygendrug: are you high?