Lest you think I was actually eaten I suppose I should post. I don't spend nearly as much time on the interweb anymore, now that I don't have a job. So here's what I've been up to.
For a couple of weeks after I quit my job I lived at my parents house, these were the best two weeks I'd had in a long time. I woke up at 8 every day, worked out a couple of hours, made a kick ass breakfast and spent the rest of the day reading.
Shortly after the start of August I moved to Chicago. It has thus far been... okay. The first week here I spent alot of time everyday looking for jobs, actually not a single job I've saught has gotten back to me but a couple saw my resume on Monster and contacted me, so I think looking myself is a waste of time. I was overqualified for one and the other is apparantly trying to get me on board but needs to hire some managers first. This would pay outstanding but would be way professional and just like what I did in Madison, I might not like it, but I don't have a choice I don't know how to do anything else. This job would require lots of travel, like a few months out of the year.
For the past 3 weeks I have fallen apart. I am completely unable to function. I know wake up at 11, watch West Wing, which is to me what Sex and the Shitty is to chicks. I then watch Star Trek for a couple of hours. Then the internet. By now it is 3 and I consider getting dressed and eating. If I'm lucky I get dressed. I loose track of the next few hours but I probably spend them in the bathroom since my UC has flared up and I'm in there about 20 times a day. About 5 I make some ramen, this is often the only meal I eat.
At 6:30 Nate comes home and asks if I want to smoke, I tell him hang on, cause I'm watching another episode of West Wing. The rest of the night sometimes involves some drinking but usually involves just hanging out.
I ran out of money yesterday and my scripts run out next week. The one for my UC costs 400 dollars! I'm so fucked.
I bought a new suite on credit last week which will either get me a job or get me laid or so help me god I am burning Express for Men to the ground.
I'm starting to come out of my funk but I'm fucked cause I don't think I could go on an interview right now if I tried, midday I can't make it a half an hour without running to the bathroom.
I have much time on my hands and spend alot of time in my own head, I need to start meditation again.
I love my roomates and my place, but I kindof wish I stayed with the rents until I figured out what to do with myself. This is the first time in years that I really just wish my mommy was here.
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